Tips for Dealing with Stretch Marks using Organic Skin Care Products in Pakistan

 Everyone wants a perfectly smooth and spotless skin but stretch marks appear at different stages of life and there are ways of mitigating them using the best organic skin care products in Pakistan.

Whether we like it or not most of us have to deal with stretch marks at one point or another. They can result from a host of reasons like some people experience them while going through puberty, some do it after buffing up in the gym and for others they appear due to pregnancy. Whatever the reason, they can be really annoying and one needs to know ways of getting rid of them in a healthy manner to be able to retain a positive self-image.

Removing Dead Cells is the Way to Go!

Exfoliating your skin in areas where you have stretch marks is extremely important because if you don’t remove the dead skin cells even a quality cream that claims to remove stretch marks won’t be absorbed properly. It is therefore important to understand what exactly is meant by exfoliation and why it is necessary. It refers to eliminating old layers of dead cells that accumulate on the top of your skin surface and end up clogging the pores. It is just like when your car is covered with all sorts of filth and grime you can’t go on polishing it right away. You will need to give it a good foamy wash before you can start thinking about getting it to shine anew. Same goes for your skin as you need to remove everything that gets in the way before applying another product, cream or moisturizer. Exfoliation is also important for evening out your skin tone and circulating blood all over.

Listing Down the Arsenal for Exfoliation

There are different ways of exfoliating ranging from organic skin care products in Pakistan like scrubs and exfoliators to different tools and chemical products. You can take your pick according to your preferences be it manual procedures that offer more control, electric brushes that do most of the work or chemical procedures that tend to work faster. You will obviously have to put in all the rubbing and scrubbing work by yourself if you opt for manual exfoliation using a tool or scrub. There are different scrubs available in the market varying in terms of their intensity. They basically have a soothing constituent like an oil and an abrasive one.

Some people prefer making their own scrubs at home and while there is a vast array of ingredients that you can choose from, coffee in particular is really effective in removing dead skin. It has antioxidants that are great for preventing further deterioration of the skin and also rejuvenating it, making it look bright and fresh. It works wonders for dull skin and stretch marks. In terms of the tools that you can deploy for the purpose, you can exfoliate using loofahs, dry brushing or electric brushing. In dry brushing you just have to brush your skin before taking a daily shower and it is light on the pocket but gets the job done. If you want an upgrade you can go with an electric brush which has bristles that rotate automatically to scrub off all grime. Some brushes also have magnetic beads used for this purpose.

Which is a Better Choice, Brush or Sponge?

Loofahs are a gentler choice as they are nature’s own sponges being made from dried fibrous part of fruits and pregnant women love them because they clean the skin properly without feeling harsh. They also need to be cleaned up with greater care and attention because of their structure, otherwise bacteria can start infesting the fibers and that can cause more harm than good. Of all the aforementioned tools, dry brush is the most effective in removing unnecessarily layered up skin cells which foster the process of healing and regeneration by improving blood flow.

Locking Down the Best Techniques

Most of the serums that are used for exfoliation or masks that are used in salon treatments use substances like retinoids, BHAs, AHAs, etc. or different acids for quickly removing dead cells. The serum or mask has to be put on for a while before it can be peeled or washed off. These are all included within the umbrella of chemical procedures and the technique focuses on burning off the exterior layer mostly made up of dull, dry and dead cells to make way for the fresh layer underneath so it can come up. An example of one such acid is salicylic acid which is a BHA and really efficient in helping stretch marks fade away and in cooling off inflammation or redness caused by scars.

All these exfoliation techniques put forth the question as to which one should you choose and unfortunately there may not be a straight answer to it. Some people feel that manual methods sometimes go a little overboard and cause irritation. Others have experienced the disadvantages of using chemical products and strongly advise against them. It all depends on what works best for you, just stick to it and forget about the others.


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